Saturday, October 31, 2009


The end of October is already here and we were ready to celebrate. Thank you to our room moms for coming with so many fun activities! We had fun making Halloween pins, trying to pass pumpkins with no hands, playing games, listening to scary stories and feeling brains and eyeballs. All of us were so dressed up with so many different costumes! Happy Halloween to everybody else!

Rad Kids

What an awesome experience our clas had while participating in Rad Kids. We were able to learn about how to be safe and protect ourselves no matter where we were, because nobody has the right to hurt us! We worked hard all week long and then Mr. Dean came and helped us practice and graduate. It was so exciting and we loved learning!

Monday, April 27, 2009

End of the Year Activities!

It is kind of crazy to think that we only have 6 more weeks left of school. Boy, has this year just flown by and wow! has it been a great one. We have had such a good time and we have learned so much. Well, just to fill you in on the next couple of weeks, here are some important dates.

May 4- 8 Week of testing so get lots of rest and make sure you eat a good breakfast

May 12 The annual fourth grade Rendezvous- watch out for flyers for more info. We will be having a real mountain man come and talk to us and then we will be playing games and doing activities just like the mountain men and pioneers.

May 14 Field trip to the Zoo. The fourth grade will be going to Hogle Zoo to participate in the Salt Lake County Water Fair. The students will participate in all different events and learn more about the water cycle and water conservation. It will be great fun and hey, maybe we will even get to see some animals.

May 28 The fourth grade Utah Program to show off everything we have learned about Utah and all the new talents we've developed. This will include singing, dancing, and playing our recorders!

These are the main dates coming up so if you could mark them on your calendar, and get ready to have some fun. We are so excited to celebrate this great year we have had.

Monday, February 2, 2009

A week full of LEARNING!!!

Wow, what a wild winter month. We have had so much fun being back at school, especially this last week. It was filled with all sorts of learning activities! We learned about so many different things, from water to writing and then on to dancing!!
On Tuesday, the Living Planet Aquarium Water Van came and taught us all about the earth's water and the water cycle. We also learned about how Utah uses water and what we can do to save water. Don't forget to take quick showers and turn of the water when you are brushing your teeth. Then for the best part, we talked about the wetlands and saw a salamander and got to touch a real live snake! Awesome! We love water and we learned so much!!!

Then on Thursday we had the lucky opportunity to have Brandon Mull come to our school. Yeah, the man who wrote the FableHaven series. He told us all about writing and how he decided to become a writer. We can be writers too, if we just use our imaginations! Look at his paper, his editor marked it all up just like our teachers do. I guess that is what makes a good writer! Plus, one of our class members got to go up on stage and it wasn't only one time, she got to go up twice and she got a free book. Lucky Day!

Then to top of the whole week, a dance teacher from the Repertory Dance Theatre came and did a miniature dance lesson with us. It was so much fun! We learned about the different levels of dance and got to make up our own shapes using different levels. We also practiced our symmetry and freezing. We were good just like solid ice. We wouldn't even budge. It was one amazing week!

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