Monday, December 29, 2008

Oh, the Days of December

The month of December was so super busy and full of fun activities and learning. This is just a couple of the things that we did.
Book Reports
Wow! We did an awesome job on all our book reports. They were really not like any other book reports. Miss Fuhriman was so proud and everybody did a fantastic job. We also loved sharing them. Some students let us play the games they created and we even got to try some sushi. Some of us made T-shirts or posters or diagrams or even games. It was great and now we're excited to read some different books.

Gingerbread Houses
We were so lucky because we were able to do gingerbread houses twice. We helped our kindergarten buddies design and create some pretty amazing houses and then only 4 days later we really put our skills and talents to work. Basically, we created some of the most creative and innovative gingerbread houses ever. It was fun, we got sticky and ate lots of candy.

We also spent 12 days celebrating the 12 days of Christmas as we used math to figure out how much money the man spent on his true love. It came out around 60, ooo dollars. That is a lot of love and we decided that we rather have the money than all those birds and entertainers running around our house.
Then to top of the entire month we sang and danced in front of the whole school. It was great. We really performed and everybody loved it 'cause we "had our love to keep us warm."
What a fun month! We are excited for the new year and to get back to school and keep learning.

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